Values Inventory for 2022

As we start the new year and welcome in 2022, it’s hard not to get excited about the limitless possibilities of the upcoming year. It’s tradition to set goals to help ourselves reach our fullest potential - commonly called “New Year’s Resolutions”. I have a love-hate relationship with this process. I always start with an enthusiastic bang and often end with a deep sigh of resignation by the spring.

I have a tip to help you successfully navigating the goal-setting process and it’s perfectly timed to tap into the current astrological landscape. By aligning with these cosmic forces, you can float with the cosmic currents instead of struggling against them. The planet, Venus, is currently retrograde in the sign of Capricorn and she will stay in this retrograde motion until January 29, 2022. 

When a planet is “retrograde”, the motion appears to move backward across the sky. As a result, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate our re-consider the topics of that planet. Since Venus is the planet of love and also represents what we value, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what we value and align our 2022 goals accordingly.

What are some ways to examine our current value system? Let’s take a values inventory!

You might want to explore where you invest your time and energy. Examine what you take pride in. Ask yourself what concerns you and why. These are all important topics to consider when reflecting on your values.

Personally, I am using a two-prong approach to take my values inventory for 2022.

The first step for examining your current value system is to track where you spend your time. This practice may be an eye-opening exercise for you. It was for me! Journal your daily activities and examine where your time goes - without judgment. You don’t need to create fancy pie charts - unless you like graphs - a simple list of activities and the approximate time spent on each will suffice.

After a few days of activity tracking move into the next phase of evaluation, identify keywords that reflect your value system. Listen to your heart as well as your head. You don’t need to limit yourself to just one perfect word. Select eight to ten keywords that reflect your “2022 Heart-Felt Values”. Have fun with this process! A few of my favorites can be found below:

-Love- - Integrity- -Generosity- -Curiosity- -Compassion- -Loyalty- -Creativity- -Spiritual Connection- - Authenticity- -Strength- -Flexibility- -Harmony- - Responsibility- -Progress- -Adventure- - Accomplishment-

Compare what you select as your “2022 Heart-Felt Values” to your daily journal. Where is there compatibility between your value goals and where you spend your time? Where is there a disconnect? By completing this re-evaluation process each year, you are permitting yourself to learn about who you are today and what is truly important to you. You can then make your New Year’s Resolutions from this higher perceptive.

Wishing you many blessings for you and your families in 2022.

With love,
