The Power of Words

Our thoughts and our words shape our existence. 

We have all had our spirits lifted by a kind word or unsolicited compliment. By contrast, we all carry with us invisible wounds inflicted by careless or harsh words inflicted by others - or even ourselves

Notice how you talk to yourself. Are your words kind, uplifting, and inspirational? 

When I was in a yoga teacher training intensive, a woman shared with us her method of limiting negative self talk. She carried a picture of herself as a two year old. When she found herself engaging in self-defeating inner dialogue, she would look at the picture and ask herself if she would say those words to the toddler in the picture. I applaud such a creative approach to limiting negative thoughts and words. 

There are two powerful ways of using the spoken word that I have successfully used in my personal practices.  Either option has the potential to re-wire the brain leading to positive outcomes.

The first method is reciting an affirmation.  An affirmation is a positive declaration set in the present tense.  Affirmations can be developed based on your own intuition and personal goals.  Affirmations should be repeated often.  As part of my daily routine, I typically use a 5 or 10 minute interval for my affirmation practice.  Designing an affirmation is a personal process but I’ve included a few of my favorites to get you started.

  • A river of compassion washes over me transforming my anger into peace.

  • I have unlimited love for others as well as myself.

  • My ability to overcome obstacles is limitless.

The second method I use the practice of Sankrit Mantras, extremely powerful vibration-based words that are ancient in origin.  There is a mantra for almost every problem, desire, and goal.  Mantras are generally repeated 108 times or a number that evenly divides into 108 such as 54 or 27.  The significance of the number 108 is believed to come from the belief that there are 108 nadis (energy channels) stemming from the heart center.  A sample of mantras may be found below.

  • Om Mani Padme Hum (Aum Mah-ni Pahd-me Hoom): to open your heart center for greater love and compassion.

  • Om Gum Ganapateyei Namaha (Aum Gum Gah-nah-pah-tye-yeh Nah-mah-ha): to remove obstacles

  • Om Shanti Om (Aum Shah-tee Aum): for inner and/or world peace

Have fun exploring how you can use the power of words to support your goals and dreams.

If I can support you in your journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Much love, Dawn